When Steve and I sat down and hashed out the idea that ultimately became Superior Shop Drawings – we had a pretty simple premise in mind. We wanted to use our expertise in the Cabinet Business to produce quality Millwork Shop Drawings.

We spent some time reflecting on past work experiences and determined that there were a couple of key areas where we simply could not compromise.

The first of those areas was missing promised delivery dates. Steve and I have both been on the receiving end of angry phone calls from customers who were promised certain delivery dates – which had come and gone.

In order for our business to be successful, we would need to do everything in our power to deliver drawings on time – even if it means passing up on more lucrative work.

We’re happy to say that in the short time our company has been doing business, we have not missed a delivery date. We’re sure that the time will come when something comes up and we won’t be able to meet a deadline. In that case, our goal is to communicate the issues as early as possible.

The second key area was that we refuse to take the money and run – by pumping out low-quality drawings for maximum profit. While this might be good for our wallets in the short-term, this is no way to gain loyal customers that enjoy doing business with us.

By sticking to our principles and producing quality Millwork Shop Drawings, we have had fantastic customer feedback which has lead to repeat business.

Just the other day, we received a surprise email from one of our repeat customers. We would like to share a snippet of that email with you – partly to serve as a testimonial but mostly to show how proud we are to have developed good relationships with our customers.

First of all, let me say thank you!  I’m pleased with your quality and consistency of drawings, and having your support in handling our drafting load has bought me a great peace of mind.  For the first time in three months, I’m almost not behind.

Walt White